Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 5

As much as a surprise as it may be, I am exhausted again today. Corbin woke up at midnight last night for a bottle so I didn’t get much sleep (he usually sleeps all night). Then he had shots at 8:30 followed by an appointment with his cardiologist. Then once we were finished with all his appointments he went to the sitter and I went to work for the rest of the day.

After work I decided to conquer Wal-Mart. That is one crazy store. I am so very thankful for my 9 year old, Colby, because he likes to push the baby, so it makes it a little easier for me while shopping.

Even though no one is following my blog right now except my wonderful husband, I really do think it is helping me with my weight loss journey. It’s almost like I feel I have to answer to someone if I screw up so it is helping me stay on track.

With that said…my calorie count for today is 1,475 and I didn’t walk to day so I didn’t burn anything. Hopefully next week the whole work out thing will be better.
Until tomorrow…

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