Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just a little thought..

As my weigh in day is approaching..I just wanted to share (or pretty much confess) that this weekend I did give into temptation. I ate and I ate alot! Am I mad at myself???..sure. My whole "March madness" thing I was trying to do flew out the window because I could not control myself!

Hopefully you guys aren't too tired of hearing my ups and downs (which there seems to be alot more downs lately, but I'm working on that) & Like I said plenty of times before, it may take me a while to get where I'm going, but I will get there one day :)

Something I discussed with a friend earlier this week when I was really struggling...this is what I need to remember: I don't need to have cheat days because this is not another diet, it is a lifestyle change & I am tired of cheating my life. But something that I can do is allow myself to splurge when I feel like it without guilt (??, we shall see) but do it in moderation. I will need to pray for self control before I ever even sit down for that meal or head out for an outing with friends. ~I am made for MORE~I am made for VICTORY~

And remember we all have our moments of weakness...but keep in mind that weakness is NOT defeat!!

1 comment:

  1. You rock! I am so proud of how you have made the decision to not see your "bad" days as total failure. YOU ARE MADE FOR VICTORY AND YOU WILL HAVE VICTORY!!! One day at a time sister!
