Sunday, March 4, 2012

Set Backs

The weekends always get the best of me..Friday night we went to my husband's grandparents house for some boiled crawfish~but I didn't over to it..Then Saturday came and I had already set in my mind that I was going to use Saturday as a 1200 calorie day but I didn't eat anything until supper because it is "that time" for me and I just wasn't feeling good at all..but I made up for not eating much yesterday today. We went to my moms for lunch where we had fried liver and mashed potatoes then for supper we order from a local Drive in restaurant..I had a hamburger with cheddar peppers.

I keep trying to go over in my head why I do this to myself...all week I do wonderful then the weekend comes and it all goes down the drain because of the choices that I make and because I don't have the control to say "No"!

What makes me feel worse is when I get on Pinterest and they have all of these great inspiration weight loss blogs posted (don't get me wrong, I love reading weight loss blogs but it's day's like today that I don't know if I'll ever be one of those that will eventually reach my goal) I read today was about a woman that lost 50 pounds in 6 months..and I can't help but want that to be me!!! But here's the thing..I know that if I keep doing what I've been doing (eating right during the week and then splurging and binging during the weekend) I'm not going to get anywhere!!

I have a supportive husband, family, & friends who that I know I can call on if I needed to but it is kind of embarrassing when you keep failing time and time again. I'm sure they get tired of hearing me, just as I am sure all of you here are getting tired of hearing it as well & I'm sorry...I'm really trying to figure this out.

Goals for the remainder of this week (until Weigh in Wednesday)
 *Have 1200 calorie days Mon, Tues, Wed
 *Walk at least 2 miles each of these days
 *Make time to read everyday
 *Make time to pray everyday
 *Find a Non scale victory in each day

I think that part of my problem my be that during the week I eat Smart One's every day for lunch and for supper I'll cook me something separate from what I cook for my family...but on the weekend I eat whatever they eat & I'm sooo hungry for some good food that I over do it. I'm not trying to make excuses but maybe I need to learn to eat what they eat but in moderation so that I don't over do it on the portions...I don't know...what do you think??

It is days like this it seems like I will NEVER reach the finish line...but I know that tomorrow is a new day & then I remember how far I have come...32 pounds lost!! I'm not throwing in the towel just yet :)

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