Friday, February 10, 2012

Fashion Friday

Yesterday was kind of a rough day, temptation and will power wise...but I pushed and prayed through it. I made it through the day without binging or splurging! I did have a little red beans and rice for supper instead of salad like I had planed, but I was still within my calorie range.

Here is my "motivational" outfit(s)~couldn't decide on just one. One of these days I will be able to pull off these looks. (Well probably not the hills...but everything else)

All of this came from Lane Bryant

What's every one's plan for this weekend..Well this is how mine is going to go..Clean, do laundry, go walking Saturday and Sunday (if its not raining too much~has been raining all day today), do yard work (if it drys up), watch my Godchild for the first time (yes~his mom is a little protective of him), CHURCH, do some cooking..oh yes..and eat some CRAWFISH. Yummy!! My wonderful husband is even going to go to the pond and catch them himself!! (We usually buy them but at this time in the crawfish season, they are really expensive, so he is going to go his family's pond and get some for us.) I looked up the calories, and they really aren't as bad as I thought. I just won't have the corn and potatoes that us "cajuns" like to have with them.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I know I plan on it!

~Thought for the day~

~This was me yesterday..not really stressed but overwhelmed with the control that food has over me right now~

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