Thursday, February 9, 2012

Will Power

The other day my thought of the day went something like this..It takes Will Power to get started and habit to keep it going. I'm struggling with the whole Will Power thing today, I haven't eaten anything I shouldn't (yet), but I'm constantly arguing with my self..I'm to the point of almost crying. Is it ever going to get better?

~Thought for the day~

**And I just want to take a second to apologize for my post about weight loss surgery the other day, I didn't mean to offend anyone~guess maybe I should have done more research and asked more questions instead of assuming that bc you have the surgery everything is so much easier.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I found your site from Scale Junkie. I too struggled with willpower, and still do from time to time. As you go on, this will get easier. You've already done a great job at losing weight so you know the willpower is there!
