Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

After signing up with Weight Watchers yesterday, I decided that I want my weigh-in's on Wednesdays. With that being said I am very, Very excited to announce that I am down to 228. Which means that I have lost 4 pounds since Sunday and an all together 25 pounds since I began blogging in 2010.

When I put my weight this morning inside the tracker on the Weight Watcher web site it informed me that I have lost a total of 10% of my body weight. This of course goes back to my weight of 253 pounds back in November of 2010 when I had joined Weight Watchers for a very short while (but it kept all my information).

Another thing that the tracker told me was that I am losing weight faster that recommended. I think that is because of my 4 pounds since Sunday. But the way I see it is: I'm a BIG girl with lots to lose!

One of the articles it had me read (because I am losing weight faster than recommended) is Making Your Points Plus Budget Work for You. It said:
If you are losing more than 2 pounds a week consistently here are a few things to help stabilize because the healthy weight loss range is 0.5-2 pounds a week:
  • If you're not using any weekly allowance or only a small portion of it, start adding a few to your day. use them for treats, for larger portions, or for regular versions of any light foods you've been eating.
  • If you're earning activity points but not swapping them for food, consider eating a little more, especially if you're earning more than 4 a day, extra food can give you more energy.

After reading that article, I am a little confused. So

I HAVE to use my weekly allowance and activity points? Yesterday I used 30 and had 5 left over with an additional 3 points for actives. Which, I have to admit...I could have used a little snack after supper (before bed) because by the time I went to bed my stomach was growling. So I'm not really sure I am doing all of this Weight Watchers stuff correctly so if anyone following is doing it also, I'd appreciate a little help. :)

My totals for today:

  • Daily used: 26
  • Daily remaining: 9
  • Weekly remaining: 49
  • Activity earned: 3
  • Activity remaining: 3

**Activity points came from walking 1.6 miles this am**

~So after discussing some things with my friend, I may need to up my point intake. Instead of just a tomato for snack, maybe have pretzels and tomato..I'm not real sure yet...but hopefully one of these days I will get used to getting my points.

Thought for the day:

How many times have we all said "Someday"...Someday I'll start my diet..Someday I'll go for a walk...Someday I'll cook that..Someday I'll eat healthier...Someday I'll go scuba diving...Someday I'll go parasailing...BUT SOMEDAY IS NOT A DAY OF THE WEEK!! So it's time to start doing~TODAY!!

TODAY~I will do well on my diet~I will walk~I will cook that something special~I will eat healthier and make better food choices~I will go scuba diving and parasailing (not today though because I have to work)

A couple of days ago I had posted a picture of my husband and I on our Cruise, but I finally got a better one!!

November 2011 Cruise
5 Year Anniversary

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sharlie!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know that it can be confusing or maybe even a bit annoying (it would be to me) to be told you are losing too fast. WHAT?! lol. In the beginning of my weight loss it seems like I was consistently losing over 2 pounds/wk for quite a while. And I don't think it had any adverse affects on me. The most important thing, it seems to me, is to not get burned out and not deprive yourself because eventually it will catch up with you and you could be more inclined to give up. I think as long as you are satisfied with what you are eating then keep on doing what you are doing. It is obviously working!!! adding a snack here and there woudl probably be the perfect solution!

    But that's just my 2 cents.take it for what its worth...

    Keep up the great work :)
