Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

This morning when my feet hit the floor I couldn't wait to get on the scale! When I got on the scale, I was kind of shocked by what it said..it said 224 pounds!! Which is great..but I dont' feel like I'm 224..I mean I don't really know what 224 feels like because I haven't been that small since high school/college..but my clothes are looser, but not that loose! So I got to thinking..maybe my battery in my scale is going out or maybe my 2 year old pressed a button on it to make the setting a little off. Needless to say, I decided that I would check my weight at the gym (YES I went to the gym!!) and at work just to see which matches which. And I'm kindda disappointed to tell you that it said 228 at both the gym and at work..which is what I was last week on my home scale. I know I shouldn't be upset because actually I lost 4 pounds ..because if you add the 4 pounds that my home scale is off by I was actually 232 last week..but I am a still a little upset. But I'm not going to let this get me down. I did great all week..I stayed within my point range, I exercised, and I'm feeling better about myself!

I've been giving alot of thought to doing the C25K program...I heard that it is a great way to jump start your weight loss and help you feel great..and..my co-workers, family, and fellow bloggers have been telling me to go for it and Today I did it! I took the biggest leap of faith and in myself that I have EVER done before! I woke up at 4:30 this morning and started My C25K training. As an overweight person, weighing in at 228 pounds, I was so nerovus being there in the gym with all these fit people around me~but I did it And I surrived! My legs felt like Jello..but I surived!

Totals for today:
  • Daily used: 31
  • Daily remaining: 4
  • Weekly remaining: 49
  • Activity earned: 13
  • Activity remaining: 13
**Activity points came from doing my C25K training, stationary bike for 20 minutes, stair master for 5 minutes, and walking 1.6 miles this morning**

~Thought for the day~

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